Troop 48
Medford Lakes, NJ


Memorial Day Ceremonies
Troop 48 assists Medford Lakes Borough with their annual Memorial Day parade and ceremonies.

Scouting for Food
Each November, Troop 48, along with Pack 48 and Crew 48, distributes food collection bags to each resident of Medford Lakes Borough. One week after bag distribution, Troop 48's scouts collect the bags of food and deliver them to the Medford Lakes Lion Club Food Pantry.

Burlington County Farm Fair
Each July, the scouts and adults from Troop 48 volunteer their time at the Burlington County Farm Fair. The scouts help support the fund raising efforts of Garden State Council, BSA, by manning various food stands throughout the fairgrounds.

Murphy's Day
Members of Troop 48 and Crew 48 operate games and entertainment booths during Murphy's Day. Murphy's Day is a day full of fun...great food, great prizes, great games. Murphy's Markets Family Food Festival was created in 1990 through the vision of Mr. Ron Murphy, proprietor of Murphy's Markets, Mr. Jack Foty, Medford Township Lion and Mr. Walter Cavanaugh, a Medford Lakes Lion. The idea was to create a fun, festive atmosphere were families could come together enjoy some good food and fun events while helping to raise money for both Lions clubs to help the surrounding communities.

Memorial Day Flag Placement
As a way to honor our veterans interred at the Brigadier General William C. Doyle Cemetery in Wrightstown, NJ, Troop 48 and other scouting unit from the region, place flags at each gravesite. This solemn event takes place on the Friday before Memorial Day.

Pinewood Derby Workshop
At the start of the Pinewood Derby season, Troop 48 hosts our annual Pinewood Derby workshop for all of the local Cub Scout Packs.
Troop 48 scouts also help run the Pinewood Derbies for some of the local Packs.

Apple Festival
The Medford Historical Society hosts an Apple Festival Craft Fair yearly to raise funds to preserve local history. The event takes place at Kirby's Mill each October. Volunteers help direct traffic and sell bags of apples, apple cider, ice cream and apple butter. Scouts earn service hours for the time they volunteer.