Troop 48
Medford Lakes, NJ


Throughout the year Troop 48 has opportunities to attend community events that help earn money for the Troop...
this helps fund their activities year long. Some events are fund raisers that the Troop runs annually while others assist local organizations.

Road Cleanups
The Troop will typically conduct road clean-ups in Shamong Twp. twice annually in May and October. Shamong Twp. has assigned Troop 48 a portion of Oakshade Road that is approximately 1.5 miles long for clean-up begining at Stokes Road extending to Atsion Road. At the end of the year, Shamong Twp. will send the Troop money from the Twp's Clean Communities budget for performing the two road clean-ups. The Troop will use this money to help fund future High Adventure opportunities for the Scouts.

Dickens Festival
Each December, the scouts and adults from Troop 48 donate baked goods to our annual bake sale, during Medford Township's annual Dicken's Festival.

Pancake Breakfast
Our big annual event is the Pancake Breakfast. Scouts that sell tickets to the event receive a portion of the proceeds in the form of a credit to their "scout account". Scout accounts can be used to pay for trips and other troop related activities.